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Универзитет на Југоисточна Европа
оживеј го знаењето!

Меѓународни односи

International Students

On behalf of the SEEU community, the SEEU International Office wants to be among the first to offer you these words of welcome. You will soon become part of an international community that includes great number of internationals from Europe and US. We believe you will find your time here rewarding and complimentary to your personal and professional goals. 


Academic programmes are nationally accredited and are subject to regular internal evaluation and periodic external review by international specialists.We are also accredited by the Turkish Higher Education Council (YOK) and are evaluated as a University every four years by the European University Association (EUA).  Staff are evaluated by students and through performance management procedures.

The University welcomes and positively uses both national and international evaluation and quality accreditation to maintain and increase the standard of the education we offer.  We believe SEEU is well placed to offer you a quality experience

Languages at SEEU

SEEU is a multi-lingual university offering programmes in English and also Albanian and Macedonian. All students will study these languages at SEEU during their undergraduate years, but international students usually enrol in English-language programmes which are taught and resourced exclusively in this language. The University encourages a flexible use of language and students and staff regularly communicate in any one of these three official languages. International students also have the option of enrolling in one of SEEU’s intensive English, preparatory year programmes to help improve their language skills before they become full time students. 

Detailed information about the city, food, accommodation, prices and transport you can find at General Information.

Information about the Location of University of South  East European University you can find at Maps and Directions.

For more information, click on the relevant icon provided below:

Еразмус+ Еразмус+
Еразмус+ е двигател на модернизацијата на високото образование во Европа и го инспирираше воспоставувањето на Болоњскиот процес.