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Универзитет на Југоисточна Европа
оживеј го знаењето!

Ендру Годспид

Факултет : Јазици, култури и комуникација
Функција : Редовен професор
Вид на вработување : Цело работно време
Лични податоци
E-mail : a.goodspeed@seeu.edu.mk
Адреса : LCC: Head of English Department
Телефон : 00389 44 356 074


  • 1997 - 2003: PhD, Anglo-Irish Literature
    Trinity College, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
    Thesis: "'The Grammar of Greatness'"

  • 1995 - 1997: B.A., English Language and Literature
    Oxford University, Oxford, England, U.K.

  • 1990 - 1994: B.A., Russian Language and Literature
    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA


  • Goodspeed, Andrew Steven; Goodspeed, Andrew Steven; “Memento homo upon my bum”: Humor and Self-Satire in Joyce’s “Gas from a Burner”. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, 2023. (Link)

  • Goodspeed, Andrew Steven; Goodspeed, Andrew Steven; 'Complete Liberty': The Tension of Inaction in Joyce's Exiles. In Joyce Studies in Italy (VOl. 25), pp. 109-122. 2023.

  • Goodspeed, Andrew Steven; Weirdness and Dislocation in Beckett's Early Poetry.. Cambridge University Press, (Brophy & Davies, Eds.) Samuel Beckett's Poetry. Cambridge, 2022. (Link)

  • Goodspeed, Andrew; 'The Joyce I Knew': Oliver St. John Gogarty's Presentation of Joyce to American Audiences. Ivan Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, 2020.

  • Goodspeed, Andrew; A Keynote Address: Of English, Multilingualism, and Language Vulnerability. South East European University, Tetovo, 2020.

  • Goodspeed, Andrew; 'Seems a sort of joke. Read your own obituary': James Joyce in his Obituary Notices . In Joyce's Others/The Others and Joyce, pp. 211-224. James Joyce Italian Foundation, Rome, 2020. (Link)

  • Goodspeed, Andrew; 'Your language is forbidden': Language Negation as Political Oppression in Pinter's Mountain Language. In (in) Sustainable Multilingualism, No. 14, (2019) Vytautas Magnus University , pp. 16-31. 2019. (Link)

  • Goodspeed, Andrew; 'He halts at water's edge': Life, Motion, and Immobility in Samuel Beckett's Embers. In Folia Linguistica et Litteraria, 24, 2018, pp. 11-22. 2018.

  • Goodspeed, Andrew; Searching for the Women in Exiles. . In Joyce Studies in Italy (Vol. 20), pp. 87-98. 2018.

  • Goodspeed, Andrew; 'one other living soul': Encountering Strangers in Samuel Beckett's Dramatic Works. In Sjani, Volume 19, pp. 252-262. 2018.

  • Goodspeed, Andrew; 'Turn, Hell-hound, turn': The Supernatural and the Faithful in Macbeth. In Contemporary Literary Studies, 15, Kyiv National Linguistic University, pp. 70-75. 2018.

  • Goodspeed, Andrew; Sight, Passivity, and Trauma in Coleridge's 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'. In (in) Romanticism in Literature. (Ed. Irmai Ratiani)., pp. 181-193. Scholar's Press, Beau Bassin, 2018.

  • Goodspeed, Andrew; Wyndham Lewis and America: A Survey of Three Texts. Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, 2017.

  • Goodspeed, Andrew; 'burn them or they'll burn you': Firemen as Agents of Oppression in Bradbury and Truffaut. In The New Ray Bradbury Review, pp. 19-34. 2016.

Работно искуство

  • 2008 - Present : Professor, English Literature
    South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia
    Type of business or sector: Higher Education

  • 2012 - 2018: Provost, Pro-Rector for Academic Affairs, Pro-Rector for Research
    South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia
    Type of business or sector: Higher Education

  • 2010 - 2012: Dean, Faculty of Languages, Cultures, and Communications
    South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia
    Type of business or sector: Higher Education
