Marketing and Promotion Office
The Marketing and Promotion Office (MPO), is administration unit of the University, which responds and receives instructions directly from the Secretary-General.
The operation of the office is realized through six (6) professional sections, which are: marketing and promotion, public relations, external and internal information, design and multimedia, website and translation service.
The Office is responsible for managing the University's external and internal profile, focusing on promoting and maintaining its reputation, through electronic and printed media, portals, social networks, the university's website and other forms of public communication.
Through marketing the MPO takes care for the implementation and promotion of the University brand. Having as its primary aim the mission and strategic goals, it produces a wide range of printed materials, such as brochures, leaflets, billboards, newsletters, videos and other marketing materials.
The Office designs and implements the University's main promotion campaign for the study offer and the University profile to potential students in all three study cycles.
The MPO deals with the organization of public events such as graduation ceremonies, anniversaries and other major events of the University. It helps on organizing the visits of important officials and authorities at the University.
Shemsedin Ibraimi
Head of MPO
Tel: +389 44 356 071