South East European University
bringing knowledge to life!

Internal Evaluation

  • Observation of learning and teaching

One of the most significant factors in ensuring that we are continuously improving and developing what we are providing to students is the quality of our teaching. There is a great deal of good teaching and learning within the University. We aim to ensure that we are sharing good practice and supporting staff in the development of skills and methodology. The University also requires data at institutional level in order to measure and improve this.

Therefore, the University has an annual observation scheme in order to:

  • support the University’s strategic aim of continuous improvement and development of learning and teaching
  • provide evidence of quality assurance at Faculty and University level
  • ensure that the students’ learning experience is of the highest quality across each Faculty
  • acknowledge excellent practice and facilitate the sharing of good practice across each Faculty and the University
  • support continuous, individual staff development
  • inform other relevant processes, specifically, the annual self-evaluation process and the allocation of staff bonuses
  • ensure that learning and teaching is inclusive and addresses the University’s commitment to equality of opportunity

Every member of the teaching staff are observed by trained observers either from the Faculty or our central team. They receive advice before the class and personal feedback with a written report afterwards. Summary reports are circulated twice yearly to all staff and students. In addition, specific reports for each Faculty/Centre are provided as well as relevant training opportunities.

  • Student Evaluation

In order to give students the opportunity to evaluation academic staff, courses and the effectiveness of the administrative services and facilities, students at SEEU complete an annual Evaluation Survey. This is implemented in a confidential and anonymous way so that we receive honest and constructive comments to help us improve.

Results of the survey are given to each academic member of staff and administrative department, and summaries are made available at Faculty/Centre and University level for analysis and use. Individual results are used as part of the Staff Evaluation Procedure. The results are also presented to the Senate and University Board annually and are incorporated into departmental Action Plans. There is also a Students’ Complaints Procedure which may be used for more immediate issues or areas of concern.

  • Staff Evaluation

The University recognises that staff are a key resource and aims to acknowledge achievement, support continuous development and manage individual and overall performance. Therefore, there is an annual process of evaluation for both academic and administrative staff which meets these aims and provides information for the processes of contract renewal and promotion. The procedure utilises other evaluative mechanisms and evidence, for example, success data, teaching observation and student evaluation. It also links to other HR policies such as Disciplinary and Competency. Also, part of the evaluation is an assessment of compliance with the Universities’ policies and procedures. The criteria are set out in the Human Resource Strategy and completion of this evaluation is obligatory.

The process is designed to be used actively by Faculty, Centre and Departmental leaders in discussing performance with staff and setting targets, supporting new goals and identifying professional development.

In addition, the University’s Ranking and Remuneration Policy provides for the possibility of financial reward according to agreed criteria for high individual performance. Finally, there is an annual Award scheme with a competitive financial prize for the best project in the scholarship of learning and teaching.

  • Internal audit of Quality Management System

The University based on the ISO 9001:2015, point 9.2, conducts internal audit annually to determine whether the quality management system (QMS):

a) Conforms to:

  • The University`s own requirements for its quality management system
  • The requirements of this International Standard

b) Is effectively implemented and maintained Also, according to point 9.2.2 of the ISO 9001:2015, the University does the following:  

  • Plans, establishes, implements and maintains an audit programme
  • Defines the audit criteria and scope for each audit;
  • Selects auditors and conduct audits to ensure objectivity and the impartiality of the audit process;
  • Ensures that the results of the audits are reported to relevant management
  • Internal Finance Audit

Internal Audit at SEEU is an independent, objective assurance, and consulting activity to add value and improve organization’s operations. Also helping University to accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes.

Internal audit provide opinion, through ensuring that University’s assets are being safeguarded, that operations are conducted effectively, efficiently and economically in accordance with University policies, regulations and laws and that records and reports are reliable and accurate.

The audit process is similar for most engagements and normally consists of following stages: Planning, Fieldwork and Reporting.

  1. Planning - Internal Audit produces an annual audit schedule which outlines the likely areas of the activity for the coming year. The Annual Internal Audit Plan is approved by the University’s Audit and Risk Management Committee. The internal Auditor normally contacts the Department that will be audited at least seven days prior to the scheduled start date of the audit. An initial meeting is arranged in order to establish some background knowledge about the area being reviewed and discuss the scope and timing of the planned audit work. This is an opportunity to provide input to the scope of the audit, particularly if there are any issues or areas of special concern that have been identified.
  2. Fieldwork- The fieldwork concentrates on formal communications. It is during this phase that the auditor determines whether the controls identified during the preliminary review are operating properly and in the manner described by the department. The audit will normally involve discussions with key staff and a review of documentation to gain a clear understanding of systems and processes. Fieldwork will normally be scheduled to fit in as conveniently as possible for the department being audited, whilst allowing for the auditor to complete the audit. The Auditor is open with the staff of the departments about issues identified through the work as the audit progresses. This aspect of the audit is important as managers are well placed to offer insights and work with the auditor to determine the best ways of resolving any issues that arise.
  3. Reporting-After the fieldwork a draft report and summary of recommendations is prepared and circulated to the audited department. The Auditor will meet with the departments head to discuss the findings and related recommendations. This meeting provides an opportunity to explain the issues arising from the review and to consider any outstanding queries. The meeting also helps to ensure that any possible misunderstandings are resolved. If any changes to the draft report are agreed during the meeting these will be incorporated into the final report. The audited department will also be asked to provide a written response to any recommendations. These responses will be formally recorded on the Summary of Recommendations.

The final report is prepared and circulated to audited department, Rector and the Audit and Risk Management Committee.
