South East European University
bringing knowledge to life!

The Senate

The University Senate is a professional body, which consists of:

  • Rector;
  • Pro-rectors;
  • The Deans of Faculties, and Directors of other academic units;
  • Two members elected by and from the academic staff in each Faculty or other unit not within a Faculty;
  • Student representatives elected by the Student Parliament (at least 10%, but not more than 15% of the total number of Senate members)
  • One member elected by non-academic staff.

Term of Senate member is three years with right of one more term. The term of student representatives lasts one year without the right for re-election. A procedure for dismissal of an elected Senate member may be initiated by the President of the Senate in the event of three possible unjustified absences. The Senate decides by majority vote on resolution. If the selected Senate member is dismissed, the respective Teaching - Scientific Council is informed about the proposal of a new Senate member. Convoking meetings and work of the Senate shall be closely regulated by the Senate's Rules of Procedure.

Senate Competencies

University Senate:

  • decides on the teaching, scientific and applicative activity;
  • elects members to the Inter-University Conference by secret ballot;
  • discuses general issues relating to the research, scholarship, teaching and courses at the University;
  • approves study programmes with the recommendation of the Teaching- Scientific Councils of Faculties and Scientific Institutes;
  • determines the educational activities of the University to be held in Albanian, Macedonian and international languages in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Higher Education and recommendation from Teaching-Scientific Councils;
  • establishes procedures to ensure academic quality, including the establishment of a Committee for Evaluation and Approval of Manuals for Evaluation in accordance with the Law;
  • implements procedures to ensure academic reforms and reviews and approves courses;
  • proposes to the Board the symbols of the University;
  • proposes to the Board the tuition and other fees payable to the University;
  • proposes to the Board establishing internal organizational units;
  • determines numbers of students to be enrolled and the criteria for admission on the recommendation of the Rector’s Directorate and with consultation of the University Board;
  • defines the policies, criteria and procedures for assessment and examination of the academic performance of students, on the recommendation of the Rector’s Directorate;
  • defines provisions for lifelong learning on the recommendation of the Rector’s Directorate;
  • determines procedures for the award of qualifications and honorary academic titles;
  • determines procedures for the exclusion of students for academic or other reasons;
  • considers the policy for the protection of the intellectual property of the University and its commercial exploitation;
  • determines the provision of advice on such other matters as the University Board, its Executive Committee, the Rector or the Rector’s Directorate may refer to the Senate.
  • verifies a shortlist of candidates for the position of Rector;
  • approves the Annual Report on the Rector's work;
  • adopts academic rules;
  • among Full-Professors of the University selects an authorized person for accepting allegations on corruption;
  • reviews the University budget;
  • reviews the University Strategy;
  • establishes the Commission for Student Enrolment at the University;
  • appoints the Commission for Self-Evaluation;
  • on proposal of the Student Parliament of the University appoints the Student Ombudsperson; 
  • on proposal of the Rector, elects the Dean from the list of three candidates for dean appointed by the Teaching-Scientific Council and sends the election decision for verification to the Executive Committee of the University Board;
  • on proposal of the Rector, elects the Director of a center and sends the election decision for verification to the Executive Committee of the University Board;
  • decides on appointment/reappointment in teaching-scientific, scientific, teaching, teaching-professional and collaborator title of the staff;
  • approves the Code of Ethics for students of the University;
  • establishes a Professional Council for Doctorate Studies;
  • as well as other works defined by Law and the Statute.

The President of the Senate

The President of the Senate chairs the Senate. The President of the Senate shall be elected from among the Senators by secret ballot for a period of one year, with the right to one more mandate. In order to elect a Senate president, the Senate may decide if at least two thirds of the total number of Senate members attends the sessions, and decides with a majority of the present members. Every member of the Senate has the right to nominate a President of the Senate. If the president is not elected in the first round, the voting shall be repeated so that in each of the following circles, the person who received the lowest number of votes will be eliminated. If no person receives the required majority of votes, the procedure shall be repeated by proposing another, that is, other persons for president.

The President of the Senate shall convene Senate meetings. The President of the Senate shall, at the request of at least one fifth of the members of the Senate, or at the request of the Rector, convene the Senate meeetings. If the President of the Senate does not act in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article, the Rector convenes the Senate meetings. In case of absence or incapacity of the President of the Senate, the sessions of the Senate shall be conducted by the Rector.

The term of office of the President of the Senate shall terminate before the expiration of the period for which he is elected in case of disregard of the legality and statutory character of the work of the Senate. The Senate shall decide on the termination of the mandate in a manner and procedure for his election.
