South East European University
bringing knowledge to life!


Quality Chart

The University Board adopts the strategic plan, of which quality assurance is an important part, and has ultimate responsibility.

The Rector of the University leads the process of Quality Assurance and is responsible to the University Board.

Quality Assurance and Management Commission (QAMC)) is led by the Rector and the membership is the Rector’s Executive Team. The Commission develops and monitors the implementation of key quality assurance and management processes and reports Senate and Board.

Executive Advisor for Quality Assurance -overseas and advices on key quality and initiative and supports the development of the total Quality Culture.

Quality Assurance Officer (QAO) - works closely with the Executive Advisor in order to coordinate the operation of quality assurance activities.

Quality Assurance Teams (QAT) – There are Quality Assurance Teams for each Faculty, composed of of members of faculty/centre, student advisor, current student representation and an external stakeholder from the field(s), confirmed by the Faculty Teaching Scientific Faculty Council/Centre staff team. They implement the QA Plan within the Faculty.

The Administrative Collegium-consisting of Directors and Heads, allocates regular meetings to the discussion of quality issues for administrative staff.
