Second cycle - Postgraduate studies
Business and Economics
Model: 3+2 (120 ECTS)
- [FIN-120] Finance (2022/2023)
- [N-MBA120C] Business Administration - MBA (2022/2023)
- [GES-120] Green Economy and Sustainable Development (2021/2022) Model: 4+1 (60 ECTS)
- [N-MBAFIN60C] Finance (2022/2023)
- [BA-60] Business Analytics (2022/2023)
- [MIM-60] Marketing and Innovation Management (2022/2023)
- [GES-60] Green Economy and Sustainable Development (2021/2022) Specialization studies
Contemporary Sciences and Technologies
Model: 3+2 (120 ECTS)
- [CS-120] Computer Sciences [Module: Computer Sciences (2023/2024)]
- [DS-120] Computer Sciences [Module: Data Science (2023/2024)]
- [SE-120] Computer Sciences [Module: Software Engineering (2023/2024)] Model: 4+1 (60 ECTS)
- [CS-60] Computer Sciences [Module: Computer Sciences (2023/2024)]
- [DS-60] Computer Sciences [Module: Data Science (2023/2024)]
- [SE-60] Computer Sciences [Module: Software Engineering (2023/2024)] Specialization studies
Contemporary Social Sciences
Model: 3+2 (120 ECTS)
- [IRD120] International Relations and Diplomacy (2021/2022)
- [N-MPAPAS120C] Public Administration (2022/2023)
- [N-MPAPS120C] Political Sciences (2020/2021)
- [SWSP120] Social Work and Social Policy (2021/2022)
- [GMPS120] Governance and Management in Public Sector (2021/2022) Model: 4+1 (60 ECTS)
- [IRD60] International Relations and Diplomacy (2021/2022)
- [N-MPA60C] Public Administration (2022/2023)
- [N-MPAPS60C] Political Sciences (2020/2021)
- [SWSP60] Social Work and Social Policy (2021/2022)
- [GMPS60] Governance and Management in Public Sector (2021/2022) Specialization studies
Languages, Cultures and Communications
Model: 3+2 (120 ECTS)
- [N-MLCCML120C] Educational Management and Leadership (2022/2023)
- [N-MIC120C] International Communication (2022/2023)
- [N-MDE120C] German Studies (2022/2023)
- [N-MEN120C] English Language Teaching (2022/2023)
- [N-MALBST120C] Albanian Studies (2023/2024) Model: 4+1 (60 ECTS)
- [N-MLCCML60C] Educational Management and Leadership (2022/2023)
- [N-MIC60C] International Communication (2022/2023)
- [N-MDE60C] German Studies (2022/2023)
- [N-MEN60C] English Language Teaching (2022/2023)
- [ALB-60] Albanian Studies (2023/2024) Specialization studies
Model: 3+2 (120 ECTS)
- [CS120] Criminalistics and Security (2022/2023)
- [N-MLAWCIV120C] Civil Law (2022/2023)
- [N-MLAWPEN120C] Criminal Law (2022/2023)
- [N-LAWIL120C] International Law (2022/2023)
- [N-LAWCAL120C] Constitutional and Administrative Law (2022/2023) Model: 4+1 (60 ECTS)
- [N-MLAWCIV60C] Civil Law (2022/2023)
- [N-MLAWCL60C] Criminal Law (2022/2023)
- [CAL60C] Constitutional and Administrative Law (2020/2021)
- [IL60] International Law (2020/2021)
- [SEC60] Security Studies (2020/2021) Specialization studies