Study programmes
Languages, Cultures and Communications
Undergraduate Studies
[TR-INT-240] Translation and Interpretation from Macedonian into Albanian Language and vice versa (2021/2022)
[DE-240] German Language and Literature (2022/2023)
[N-DE] German Language and Literature (2022/2023)
[IC-240] International Communication (2022/2023)
[N-COMMIC] International Communication (2022/2023)
[N-EN] English Language and Literature (2022/2023)
[EN-240] English Language and Literature (2022/2023)
Postgraduate Studies
[N-MLCCML60C] Educational Management and Leadership (2022/2023)
[N-MLCCML120C] Educational Management and Leadership (2022/2023)
[N-MIC120C] International Communication (2022/2023)
[N-MIC60C] International Communication (2022/2023)
[N-MDE60C] German Studies (2022/2023)
[N-MDE120C] German Studies (2022/2023)
[N-MEN120C] English Language Teaching (2022/2023)
[N-MEN60C] English Language Teaching (2022/2023)
[N-MALBST120C] Albanian Studies (2023/2024)
[ALB-60] Albanian Studies (2023/2024)