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Универзитет на Југоисточна Европа
оживеј го знаењето!

Ветон Љатифи

Факултет : Јазици, култури и комуникација
Функција : Редовен професор
Вид на вработување : Цело работно време
Лични податоци
E-mail : v.latifi@seeu.edu.mk
Телефон : ++389 44 356 210


  • Latifi, Veton; “Balkans in contemporary International Relations”- an university textbook published by the Center East European Studies at the University of Warsaw as international series of 30 books of Bibliotheca Europae Orientalis: Didactica 14, issue 7, nr. of pages 261. University of Warsaw , Center East European Studies, Bibliotheca Europae Orientalis, Warsaw, 2021. (Link)

  • Latifi, Veton; “On the new-old political concepts: Re-conceptualizing and expanding the views in studying politics following the impact of globalization”- a research paper published by the SEEU Review, Vol. 14 Issue 2, April 2020.. 2020. (Link)

  • Latifi, Veton; “NATO’s membership of North Macedonia and beyond: Strategic priorities and strengthening the South wing in dealing with geo-political tensions” – a research paper published by the international scientific journal Wschodnioznawstwo, (Index Copernicus Journals Master List, BazHum oraz The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities), Institute of International Studies, University of Wrocław (Poland), Vol.3, 2019.. 2019.

  • Latifi, Veton; “The International Crisis Management and the Role of NATO following the new Strategic Concept”, international scientific journal AAS, Alatoo Academic Studies, Bishkek, nr. 1, March, 2016, (ISSN: 1694-5263). In AAS, pp. 337-349 . 2016. (Link)

  • Latifi, Veton; “The Western Balkans’ model of the dynamics of EU integration”- a research paper published by the international scientific journal AAS, Alatoo Academic Studies, Bishkek, nr. 2, May, 2016, (ISSN: 1694-5263). In AAS, pp. 277-287. 2016. (Link)
